Creating a brand identity and developing an Ecommerce platform for a company specialising in the sale of vintage fine art prints and contemporary posters.
Creative Services
Brand Identity
Brand Strategy
Content Creation
Web Design
The Background
Folio is a thoughtfully curated store offering vintage fine
art prints, contemporary posters, and stylish wall art at
affordable prices. Online, you will discover a wide range of
art styles, including Art Nouveau and Japanese woodprint
posters, as well as contemporary design and photography.
The Goal
Crafting a comprehensive and confident brand identity which strikes a delicate balance between nuance and visual impact.
The Solution
The centerpiece of the visual identity is an elegant yet assertive bespoke logotype that utilizes Hoefler Text, by world-renowned typeface designer Jonathon Hoefler. Alongside the logotype, the supporting typefaces of Helvetica and Hoefler Text effortlessly combine to produce clarity and emphasis.
An energetic colour palette compliments typographical
choices further enhancing the aesthetic. The identity's overall tone walks a fine line between classical and modernity, beautifully illustrating Folio's brand positioning in a way
that ensures the art takes centre stage.